Monday, January 24, 2011

We Have a Vehicle!

Greetings supporters!

Good news to report!   We have a vehicle for the band to use to transport instruments and gear.

This vehicle was given to me to be used by the band, by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.  This truck is a retired U-Haul, as you can clearly see from the bright orange paint.

It is a 1993 GMC TopKick with just about 220,000 miles on it.  Mechanics at U-Haul have told me that this truck could easily run another 100k, they are that sturdy and dependable.

It does need some minor mechanical repairs, but it runs well and made the drive from Riverside to Glendale over the past weekend without incident.

We will be needing a new paint job, and some customizing of the interior space once that space is designed and engineered, some body work (the bumper is loose) and a few more things.

I welcome your input or assistance in getting this great truck customized and ready for the band.

More as I learn it!  And hopefully soon, the results from the E-Waste event also!

Thanks for reading the HTMB Booster page!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Electronic Waste Recycling Event

Our recent event was a great success.  We won't know the total amounts collected for a few days yet but the truck was so full when it left, we weren't sure it was all going to fit inside!

EDIT:  Just found the link to the story about our event in the Glendale News Press.  Thanks to everyone who contributed to the event!,0,5100089.story

We started with five boxes and they began to fill pretty quickly.

Before long, the boxes were overflowing with all manner of electronic junk!

People in the community would drive in, and our band students would unload and log their donations.

We collected stacks of TVs.

Piles of Computers.

And tons of other stuff.

At the end of the day, the truck was packed.

And it was a very successful day.

Thanks to our friends at, this was a successful event.  We are already planning on running this event every January, so save up!

As always, HTMB Boosters gladly accepts donations of any kind, monetary to goods and services and can provide a tax deductible receipt for every donation.

Also, click the link for the WISH LIST on the right.  Perhaps there is something in there you can provide us with!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hoover Tornado Marching Band E-Waste Recycling Event

On Saturday, January 15, 2011, the HTMB is sponsoring an E-Waste recycling event.

We are looking for:

  • Televisions
  • Computer Monitors
  • Computers
  • Cell Phones
  • Stereos
  • Telephones
  • Computer Components
  • MP3 Players
  • VCR's
  • DVD Players
  • Any Electronic Devices
We are collecting any electronic device that you no longer want, working or not.

If you work for a company that has a large amount of electronic waste to dispose of, we can arrange a pickup ahead of the scheduled date at no cost to your company.

We are not accepting microwaves or other appliances at this event, however.

The event will be held at:

Hoover High School
651 Glenwood Rd
Glendale, CA 91202

Saturday, January 15, 2011
9am - 3pm

There will be refreshments available and donations to the band fund happily accepted.

You can drive in, drop off and drive out!

For more information or directions contact:

Michael Risner

HTMB Boosters